Thursday, August 2, 2007

Skinwalker Ranch – NIDS Folly?

I couldn’t see …where we were going… but you said you did and I took your word”:
Bob Dylan

Part One Of Three Parts

Robert Bigalow is a very rich man. He seems to have a gift that is sadly lacking in today’s world – an open mind. He has financed investigations by teams of scientists in ongoing research on the paranormal, and mysterious phenomenon; as far as I am concerned, the greatest mystery to face mankind. The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), financed by Bigalow, had a team of scientists on the advisory board, and several scientist field investigators who ventured into the unknown for almost a decade.
They tried to get to bottom of the mutilations of cattle. They also conducted and investigated many UFO claims. However, their most widely known investigation, a hot topic in the UFO community, is known by two words, “ Skinwalker Ranch”.

A child takes a picture of an ET from: 2nd DVD "Jaime Maussan 15 Of UFOs in Mexico"

Bigalow bought a ranch that had to be the end all site for ongoing UFO and metaphysical phenomenon. A man and his family had bought the ranch as an investment and to fulfill a life dream - at least that is what they thought.
What did the “Gormans” experience? UFO craft, animals that couldn’t be killed, intelligently controlled globes of light which killed their dogs, Bigfoot- like creatures, entities that landed in their yard, and many unseen presences. All cataloged in the book “The Hunt For Skinwalker”. This book is a pleasure to read, and is well written. One can really empathize with “Tom Gorman”, a person who, at the end of the book, stands out as one honest and courageous fellow.
I hate to sink the hopes of all of the debunkers out there who think this was make-believe or a publicity stunt. This was the family’s life dream, folks, not some yuppies trying out ranching. This was not just about money either. I am sure even debunkers can sympathize with having a life’s dream and what it can mean. The real family name was never published except by some local “UFO investigators” who tried and succeeded to slip into the ranch - for their 15 minutes of fame.
“Tom Gorman” had an established insemination business raising top quality Simmental and Black Angus cattle. His reputation and his expertise were well respected in more than one state.
Unfortunately, the ranch he purchased just happened to be smack dab in a very powerful UFO hotspot with thousands of sightings recorded. Then, least I forget, there was the cattle mutilations. The “Gormans” knew no more than the average citizen about this subject. They had twenty cattle mutilations in the first year, one done within 45 minutes after last sighting the animal. These were very expensive animals. They finally gave up after two of their best dogs were killed by a blue globe which “seem to lure” the dogs into the bushes after which they were burnt to death. They sold the ranch to Bigilow.
He had the money, the right people, and time - so great, right? - Wrong!
The scientists from NIDS went into this wonderful research laboratory of the unknown with the equivalent of two guns blazing. These scientists pursued and seem to believe there couldn’t policy be anything watching. These overt actions were against the best advice of the only real authority on the subject that matter: the rancher “Tom Gordon who experienced it.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved what NIDS tried to do. However NIDS’ arrogance in believing nothing of intelligence could be observing them at that ranch turned out to be dead wrong.

Before they began the investigation, a debate started , at times “passionate”, between factions within NIDS and the ranch owner, “Tom Gorman”.
“One side wanted to blanket the property with instruments; the other side including Gorman felt too much technology would drive the phenomenon into hiding…
He (Tom Gorman,) felt they (NIDS) should set up command center in adjacent towns. The phenomenon needed to be hunted like an animal…Maybe even like a smart big game animal.” Gorman countered. In other words, Tom Gorman, the person who had experienced this phenomenon first hand for over a year, felt whatever was around was smart. He basically felt they should go in covertly; “creep” into the property from the two closest towns. Catch it and film it unaware.

Even if you begin with a 90% certainty UFOs and other phenomenon are of unintelligent origins, wouldn’t it have been prudent to cover the 10% possibility you were wrong? I would bet, if you were to poll every major UFO researcher, 95% would answer that they believe there is some form of intelligence behind UFO objects. I bet 85% would answer that ETs are probably the best answer to the many of the UFOs sightings. These researchers are, after all, the best experts on UFOs that we have, at least in the public arena.
Even inside our tireless UFO researchers there is a staggering dichotomy. Although UFOs are considered by a large majority of our community as probably having an intelligent source, many of the UFO researchers study the ET phenomenon with the actions of someone who believed they couldn’t possibly be monitoring them. Does anyone believe if ETs wanted us to find them we’d have to look. Someone is hiding and it’s not me.

Joseph Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog

Note: Next Report From MUFON Internaional Conference:


  1. I enjoyed the book, but have to agree that I'm left puzzled at the approach, mystified by the lack of any follow up thereafter.

    Is this activity gone now? Why not use a diffrent approach or allow others to access and observe.

  2. I've been fascinated with the events at the "skinwalker" ranch since I first heard about them. The book was highly interesting, and, enjoyable.

    There's a history of weirdness in that area going way back; Salisbury wrote about that in his book that was published in, I think, the '70s. I'm pretty sure that was mentioned in the Skinwalker book too.

    Interesting slant you take, Joseph. "Gorman" lived with this a long time; he knew, and it seems obvious, whatever it was out there, was very intelligent. Instruments, etc. can be useful and of course, no scientific body is going to take any of this stuff seriously without all their instruments and goodies. But then, as it's been proven over and over, when you go into places like a skinwalker ranch, instruments go crazy, and you don't get much.

    You might get a whole lot more without all those toys, but then it's considered "just" anecdotal, and worthless.

    A cycle of proof vs. anecdotal evidence without anything being decided to the satisfaction of science; only those who've experienced such things. Who don't have "proof."

    At this point, science needs to consider how it can expand its thinking and approaches to things like this. Because clearly the usual way doesn't work, has never worked, and everyone's given up.

    Which isn't very scientific is it? :)

  3. Dear anonymous,
    Great point. I tend to believe "Gorman" but I wonder why there were so many obvious follow-ups never mentioned in the books or glossed over. I am not a scientist but if the two dogs had been incarnated why is there no mention of soil samples taken? It may be the rains washed them away but that should have been mentioned. Throughout the book there are questions like these. I spoke with Knapp at a convention but it is hard to ask the question you want in the time you he. He did say they (NIDS) were still monitory the ranch with very little active phenomenon resulting.. They (Knapp and Kelleher) mentioned on CTC how NIDS did not have the photos and other material ready for the book, even though they would have let them use material. I am going to MUFON and Knapp is the keynote speaker. I will ask him if he will answer some questions I submit on paper or if I could e-mail them. I Will see what happens he seemed like a down to earth person rather likable in fact.

    Joseph Capp
    UFO Media Matters
    Non-Commercial Blog

  4. Actually, it was THREE of "Gorman's" dogs that ended up as incinerated grease spots in the woods.
    If the story is true, this is the most frightening thing I've read of in a very long time.

  5. Dear Nickjones,
    I stand corrected, yes it was three dogs. I just don't understand why "Tom Gorman" never took samples of the soil. He was probably in shock. I would have love to find out what type of weapon was used.
    Thank You
    Joseph Capp
    UFO Media Matters
    Non-Commerical Blog

  6. I have to agree that the NIDS research into the ranch was poorly conducted. I found it odd that despite the rather weird request made of the Gorman's when they bought the ranch (that they should consult with the previous owners before digging on the land), nobody at NIDS bothered to find out the reason for this. Anybody versed in folklore would know that this is a traditional "problem" with "possessed" areas (digging, that is) and should have been pursued as an information resource. Granted, we are now talking folklore, not science. But science didn't exactly do NIDS a heap of good in this case anyway.
    Likewise, they should have been more capable of adapting a different approach to the study. "Sneaking up" is about the only approach that might have worked, which they were beginning to realize. But they seemed incapable of figuring out how to do it.

  7. Dear Dennis,
    I agree fully with what you said. Without the unscientific follow up the story opens question and real concern by skeptics and debunkers. this tends to do is lead to suspicion on Tom Gordian, because he is not really validated by external evidence. There is the concept around scientist that aliens would be considerably different. I tend to disagree at least as far as intelligence is concerned . I would bet they experience the universe quite the same as us. The theory I put tags too called "Staging" in many of my post was thought of by the best "UFO Old-timer" in the area in Utah "Junior Hicks" who NIDS interviewed in the book. That authority in the area felt in the end that they put on "displays" for "psychological reason". I believe these "displays" are aimed directly at the scientific mind which has a hard time believing in "MYTH" and even given any time to it seriously.
    If ETs want to be shrouded in the folklore they did a great job. At the end the scientist Killeher discounted the ETs explanation for what happened at the ranch. To this day many UFO researchers believe they are just metaphysical. I go into this in great detail in part 2 and 3. I believe there may be the metaphysical but I also believe it is not beyond technology to reproduce myth or actually use the metaphysical as a source of intellectual camouflage . I believe the last thing the ETS want is to be thought of is technology. The question then begs to be asked why be exposed at all? We are discussing ETs not God. They may indeed have to monitor us and be exposed at times. I also go into length to prove there actions and monitoring around the world are technological and strategic by many military documented reports.

    Thank You
    Joseph Capp
    UFO Meida Matter
    Non-Commercial Blog
    thank You
    Joseph Capp
    UFO Media Matters

  8. NOT adaquately discussed was the "report" of the several pole mounted cameras where each was visible by other cameras -and yet one camera becomes vandilized without the culpret being seen by the other cameras.

    The conclusion here must either be one of staff conspiricy to defraud or Eurika! -a clear evidence of "high strangeness. As there is no (known to me)science data reporting or open access to the camera tapes, do we have fraud or incompetence?


  9. Dear Brian,
    Thank you a very important point The truth is NIDS lack of oversight and thoroughness invites questions as to honesty. I don't believe "Tom Gordan" and his family lied about their experiences. They just do not fit the profile of hoaxers. I do believe NIDS has been sloppy. NIDS never released a report on what happened.

    I discuss the reason they did not have the film ready for the book("because NIDS did not have the material ready for them")in my next blog. I just hope both the scientists, who i welcome into the investigation, and UFO researcher start realizing there may be something or someone watching their investigation, and it may not be just the government.
    Thank You
    Joseph Capp
    UFO Media Matters
    Non-Commercial blog

  10. Just what kind of scientific method was used at the GORMAN ranch? How come there was no tissue anylasis made when Gorman shot a large 400lb wolf creature in plain sight of the NIDS team, the creature ran away but a piece of tissue was allegedly shot off of the thing. To me that story is just bull, so how can I believe the rest of it?

  11. Dear Anonymous,
    I think you need to seperate the two. A family pays millions of dollars for a cattle ranch to raise prise cattle. I don't believe they fake what happened. The Wolf attack happened long before the NIDS scientist was there. Did NIDS do one hell of a sloppy Job, yes. I asked George Knapp all of your questions and his answer was another book. At this point I am waiting on this "other book"

    Joe Capp
    UFO Media Matters

  12. Yeah, I'm reading this article and I need a little information.... What is the book called, I've been looking for it but it's not coming up in any of my google searches.

  13. Dear Matt,
    The Book is Called "The Hunt For The Skinwalker" Just google that and you shoud find it.
    Great book, intense reading, in no way a hoax.
    Joseph Capp
    UFO Media Matters

  14. Why do some people never seem to realize that if you constantly spell words incorrectly, (particularly words and names already used by others), you will look like a moron. If you look like a moron because of poor spelling, no one will take you seriously. Just remember this is a self-inflicted wound caused in most cases by mental laziness. Or, possibly you just are a moron.

  15. You know if I am such a moron don't come to my Blog . I certainly lived a long time before you arrived. By the way next time you call someone a moron at least have the courage to leave your name.
    Joe Capp
    UFO Media Matters
