Monday, July 27, 2009

“UFO and Paranormal Scientist”

What does the word scientist really mean?

“A scientist, in the broadest sense, refers to any person that engages in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge or an individual that engages in such practices and traditions that are linked to schools of thought or philosophy. ...”

“A person who has studied science, especially one who is active in a particular field of investigation.”

A person who studies natural phenomena in a systematic manner.”

There are people, “scientists”, diligently at work to prove that not only the scientific mainstream opinion is wrong about UFOs, but also about the paranormal. The evidence is in and it can not be disputed. Something that is real in our natural world has been ignored. The mainstream scientific community has ignored evidence of the paranormal and UFOs because of prejudice reinforced by debunkers. The idea that the majority of scientists will not look at evidence because others say it is nonsense shows the hypocrisy and lack of courage we are dealing with.

It has been very difficult to get repeatable evidence on UFOs but that’s not the case with hauntings and psychical research. There is strong evidence of its existence and it has been verified by technology repeatedly.

I just watched another ghost hunting show on TV. Are these scientific endeavors? You bet they are. I know most scientists have nightmares of “religious dogma” when they think of hauntings, spirits, demons and such. The truth is these investigations have not proved any religion is right. Most of the research seems to indicate no one has the whole story. But, there is a real story.

Many Paranormal scientist research groups have proved, by repeated experiments, with scientific instruments, that something intelligent, not visible, which may, or may not identify themselves, actually exists . Some of these “intelligences” have the same memories as those that have died. Many times this research was done by different paranormal groups at the same place with very similar results. Is this NOT the same as repeated results in any other research of “natural phenomena"?

I know many scientists believe the debunkers opinions when it comes to these topics… but these skeptics do a very poor job of research. They do very little leg work and hardly any witness interviews. When they do interview people who experience these phenomenon, they try to steer them, or cherry pick ones that’sare easily explained. Research like that would be a laughing stock in any other scientific mainstream discipline.

As an example recently I watched a TV show where a skeptic was interviewing a haunting witness. Later on in the show the skeptic offered an easy explanation. The person he chose to interview had a very mundane experience, so it was easily explained. But, what is forgotten in this debunking presentation is, any well respectable paranormal investigator would have offered the same explanation. The real deal is what is so impressive. That real deal is the personal experiences back up by video, audio, inferred, full spectrum video, frequency detectors, temperature indicators, showing ghosts, hearing ghosts and measuring ghosts … yep ghosts.

It seems like the universe is not done surprising us.

I am sick of the non-interest by mainstream scientists in the important subjects of UFOs and the Paranormal, especially when they make comments in front of TV with no real background knowledge on the subject matter. Just because you’re an astronomer doesn’t mean you know about UFOs. Would you interview an astronomer on weather patterns or a meteorologist on distant galaxies? So, why in heavens name, do they have experts, with no real experience, sound off on a subject they know virtually nothing about? Well, someone might say they know a great deal about the cosmos. So, what are they, an expert on alien life or where our technology will be (God willing) in a thousand years…how about ten thousand years? Some scientist suggest we will never go to the stars so beings from other stars can’t come here. It is amazing how many times that has been attributed to other scientific theories only to be proven wrong.

I know for many scientists this stuff is hard to believe. I know the rational mind will dismiss these shows as staged by the TV show producers. The truth is some of what happens couldn’t be staged. The shows themselves have had program technicians quit because of their experiences in haunted locations. When interviewed, one said, “I never thought in an instant this was real.” How do we know this happened? It happened right on video. The scientists filmed and measured thousand of “unexplainables” at these locations. One that really had me sit up and gasping was when they filmed, with infrared, footprints appearing on a floor as they walked casually away.

I believe by all criteria these are Ghost and UFO Scientists (G&U) and they have a type of peer review. They can lose credibility through sloppy research or dishonesty. G&Us are grilled at every conference. There is always question and answer sessions and serious questions are asked…and answered. G&Us ask for independent opinions on video and audio evidence. Skeptic believers abound in the haunting field and they want proof real proof. A really important point I want to make here is: they get it. No matter who they are, they all say there is paranormal activity at certain areas or UFOs that can not, I repeat, can not be explained. That alone should case the antenna on any honest scientist go up.

Could humans have an energy that lives on after death…of course we could. Could we have some choice after we die…possibly? Could UFOs be from other worlds? I ask anyone, does our science even have the half the answers on the universe when 95% of it’s contents are unexplained? As for evil (demon) spirits, the reports show they are excised by different religious and belief systems according to the area where it has happening. This shows to me this has nothing to do with religion and yet everything to do with our power to affect this dimension or realm.

A courageous scientist would take notice when a hardened, no nonsense police detective has his or hers entire belief system turned around because his murder case is solved by a psychic. In all of these cases astounding evidence was produced by the psychic with no possibility of knowledge.

Detectives are the professional experts in their fields. One detective may be fooled by psychics, but all of them?

Because scientists have placed such a horrible stigma on anyone who pursues paranormal answers, including detectives, In almost every murder case the detectives were very skeptical to bring in a skeptic but when you are that desperate you go against the scientific grain. Detectives have stated over and over some murderers would have probably gotten away if it wasn’t for a psychics help. Some of those murders were serial killers.

Some of the attitudes of the populations at large as reflected by those detectives can be directly link to the campaign against the paranormal by scientist and debunkers alike. Scientist and debunkers will say we are doing this as a service to the public. How, by closing a door on a ongoing phenomenon that may have far reaching benifit?

Don’t get me wrong there are scientist who have taken the courage to test these theories. The DVD clip I present below is from the 27th conference held by the “Society For Scientific Exploration”, but once these get involved with testing these theories, the mainstream treats them as if they had leprosy.

Scientist have them self to blame for the resentment felt not only in our communities but around the country. When somebody has an experience like some of us have had and is dismissed by someone who wasn’t there and knows virtually nothing about the subject, it appears, to believers and non-believers alike, as the height of arrogance….hum….arrogance and scientist- who would have ever known?

This DVD clip is dedicated to Bruce Duesing and the world of the mind:

Jole Jones Professor of Radiologist, 27th Conference of the Society For Scientific Exploration.

Joe Capp

UFO Media Matters

Non-Commercial Blog

Thursday, July 23, 2009

UFO Brazilian Disclosures : The Case that could change the world

Some of the information I quoted was taken from the book :
"UFO Crash In Brazil
by Dr. Roger Lier

If Brazil is serious about full “UFO Disclosure” there is one case, if true, that would settle the ET debate for all time. The case is about a crashed UFO, dead aliens, and dead people. That incident happened and has been called the real Brazilian Roswell. No, it’s not “Operation Saucer;” it is the Crashed UFO 1996 Varginha Brazil case. In this quiet community 300 km. from the Brazilian capital, something tremendous happened. Although Dr. Roger Lear, the famous alien implant pioneer researcher, went to investigate the case years later, the primary ufologist who researched the case was Ubirajara (Bira) Rodriques His report and subsequent investigation has made this a very serious case. Brazil has announced it has decided to release more UFO files but only through the 1980s. The Varginha alien case is the one I am waiting for. It took place in Jamuary, 1996. What happened in that town and the evidence amassed affected Stanton Friedmen enough to say, “Varginha may be the modern Roswell.”
If you are not familiar with this case, here is a short synopsis:

It all stared with three young females, Varginha residents, out for a Saturday stroll taking a shortcut through a vacant field where, much to their horror, they came upon “the devil”.

A small being was crouched by a wall. It was witnessed by all three girls, Liliane and Valquira, who were sisters, and their friend, Katia. They all described the entity as having a large head and bulging veins in the shoulder area. At first, the entity had its head turned to the wall but when they screamed the “creature” turn to look at them. It had large “red” eyes and three bump- like protrusions (“horns”) on its head. Liliane reported she felt sympathy for the little creature. She had strong feeling it was hurt and intelligent. Although they ran, the sympathy factor by a young girl for this creature makes me feel there is hope for the human race yet.
The sisters, with their friend, ran home to tell their mother. They were so upset they started crying. The mother and a friend decided to investigate and went to the spot at the wall. The creature was gone but they did notice flattened weeds where something was sitting and footprints.
Later in the day of the this incident, according to investigator, Ubirajara (Bira) Rodriques, there was a major storm with giant hail that broke windows and windshields. The storm washed away all traces of the creature at the wall. But this story was not over. It was only the beginning. During that storm, two police officers came across a similar entity, one half block from where the creature was first reported by the girls, limping across a road. They didn’t shoot it; they put in into the car to take it to a medical center. Another example of compassion for something off worldly. This Medical Center was more like a first aid facility. The employees there suggested taking the being to a hospital. It was transported by the police to Hospital Regional, the local hospital. Soon the military took over and, of course, a lid of security was imposed. We should take a moment to say no one, not even debunkers. should take the word of Brazil military and their denials about this incident. At that time in Brazil the military were very repressive to the people and were not to be trusted.
The local hospital did not seem to be able to help the being. The military transported it to a much better hospital, Hospital Humanities. Hospital personnel relate how the being was transported by military convoy out of the hospital. This date of the transport to the better equipped hospital was Monday, January 22, 1996.
Later, witnesses at the rear of the hospital reported seeing the military load a body into a small crate. The military convoy then transported the being to a military training camp 25km away. Was the being already dead? Eventually, the being’s body was delivered to Brazil’s finest university. Reliable witnesses at each facility reported seeing the military and the body. Interesting to note: one police officer who transported the live creature and touch it, died of very mysterious causes. According to Dr Leir, the symptoms were similar to Ebola. His medical records from the hospital were confiscated by the military, never to be seen again. This happened two weeks after the incident. Of course, there was a great deal of hype around this incident by the press, but UFO researchers, including the editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine, were able to get many witnesses involved to come forward. One witness was the sister of the police officer who had died.

Will the Brazilian government release what happened at Varginha? This case could be the proof we have been waiting for. There is one problem. Witnesses reported a strong presence of American officials at the hospital. How much influence over the Brazilian government on these matters the good old USA has we do not know. But, if this case is a hoax, why would all these medcial personnel get involved?

On other country disclousures and how seriious they are, let us take the UK as an example. The UK has never released the follow-up investigation or the video taken at Brentwaters. This was the case where a UFO craft landed and was touched. I doubt they ever will no matter what Nick Pope claims.

Brazil has a long and rich history of UFO activity. This is the country where the first modern UFO ET abduction took place: Antonio Boas. There are hoaxes but they usually end up being discovered by the excellent leg work of the UFO investigators down there.
This case has the smoking gun, but, so did Brentwaters. In the UFO community obsession to have UFO records released we may not realize that these selective disclosures are nothing more than a snow job to hide the real beef.

I have included a video clip with interviews:

Joseph Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

UFOs And 2012: It’s the end of the world- again

"And it's a hard rain a gonna fall" Dylan

Well folks, now that the crop circle’s prediction of a “super solar flare” was wrong we still have 2012 to look forward to. This date may even include ETs and UFOs.

Maybe then we can tell the world “see, we were right.”

Are any of you out there as sick as I am over all of the extreme media/internet fear mongering? No matter what threat is in the news, real or vague, whichever doomsday threat comes down the pike these writers will make sure you’re spoon fed the worst consequences possible. In the UFO community and beyond many believe in the idea that ancient humans knew more than modern man about the dangers to our world. Many say the Mayans were taught by ETs and that is why they knew the future. Did the ETs also teach them to cut out a still beating heart as a religious appeasement?

If any of you think I don’t believe in some prophets and their special talents you would be wrong. Let’s use some common sense here. Prophets are usually wrong when it comes to predictions of the end of the world. I found a wonderful link that list hundreds. Do you remember the Nostrodamous prediction that claimed a fire from the sky would cause a major cataclysm? He even predicted the year- 1999. This was heralded as a special prediction since the prophet rarely gave dates on what he foresaw. Nothing happened.

I don’t think the good creator would give the end of the world news to anyone…no one is that special.

Is there a type of justified vengeance we feel if the world gets it’s just desserts? I know I’ve become frustrated by the complicity of silence around me on many subjects. One of the ego boosting futures that would bring me some satisfying vengeance is the ET public contact scenario. I know I would get off on sticking it to the debunkers and certain “skeptics”.
But end of the world is different. All the people that you could get a laugh of f of would be gone. If somehow you do survive, you’d have a life of hardship beyond your imagination.

Yet, I have to admit I love the opening line in Orson Wells’ “War of The Worlds”

“NO one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinized and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinize the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.”

Yes there is some self gratification in those words of human ignorance since I believed, and still, do that I am not one of them.

I remember a real end of the world experience I went through. I was working a job in a hospital when the Cuban missile crisis erupted. The Soviets at the time were banging their sabers hard and it scared the hell out of people. We had already learned in the 50’s just how devastating a nuclear war would be with the Soviet Union where hundreds of million people would be killed. If you did happen to survive, the world would have a poisoned atmosphere and a breakdown in society. I remember getting canned foods and keeping them in the trunk of the car. I also remember mapping out routes to more desolate areas which would not be missile targets. The one thing I did not feel during that time was smugness. When you’re confronted with a real end of the world possibility, fear, not hope, pervades your being.

Some of the most interesting predictions for the end of the world came from the more dogma driven Christian sects. These dire warnings were an effective weapon in gathering people to the flock. People do not act rationally when they are frightened for their lives.

*Guess What Year
“This year goes down as one of the most pronounced states of hysteria over the return of Christ. All members of society seemed affected by the prediction that Jesus was coming back on , ****. There really weren't any of the events required by the Bible transpiring at that time. The magical number **** was primarily the sole reason for the expectation. During **** , everyone was on their best behavior; worldly goods were sold and given to the poor, swarms of pilgrims headed east to meet the Lord at Jerusalem, buildings went unrepaired, crops were left unplanted, and criminals were set free from jails. The year **** turned into **** and nothing happened.”
If we look inside the UFO community we see the same type of dire prediction reported by experiencer from ETs. Contact with ETsis not scary enough now it means the end of the world. Well nice knowing you for that brief second. I believe this is a tactic ETs have used for centuries for all types of control reasons..

I enjoy a good scare and the end times certainly can fulfill that part of me, but it is being used in some very dangerous ways. Like getting people to vote a certain way or attacking any people who disagree.
One deep routed yearning humans have is to go to space. This drive humans have, of moving beyond this planet, is as real as spiritual hunger itself. Isn’t that a sign this same creator wants us to evolve to a place both physically and spiritually so we may move out beyond this planet? How can we do that if the world dies? If there is some type of divine plan why would God waste a world? Why would God punish whole peoples who refuse to be scared into the knowledge of God? I don’t what the future holds as far as the end of the world goes but neither does anyone else, and that is the point. No one has been ever been close to right yet on this one. Yet we will, time and time again, give credence to these prophets of doom.
If anything, UFO ETs subject should give us hope not fear, especially if there is more than one type of Extra-Terrestrial beings visiting us. It means worlds of intelligent conscious minds have survived; beings no longer attached to one world and its fate; people that have access to many worlds in different stages of development. Is that not what life always does… survive?

I kind of find that people who fantasized about the end of the world haven’t really thought it through. Millions of babies would die, animals slaughtered, all books, art, science, religion gone into the night. Some say they will be saved from this tragedy. I ask myself, if I was saved would I ever be truly happy knowing the great tragedy that befell every other living creature?

Video One World One People ETs Hope?

Joseph Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog

Thursday, July 9, 2009

UFOs and Donald Keyhoe: The Forgotten Champion

Sounds pretty dopey, Huh? A fighter pilot sitting behind 50 caliber guns and rockets and scared of a light in the dark.”

[All quotes are from the vintage book by Major Donald Keyhoe “Flying Saucers From Outer Space”]

“Major Donald Keyhoe, head of NYCA,P(National Investigations Committee On Arial Phenomenon) was the man. No doubt about it. If anyone could get information from pilots he was the person. A navel pilot himself, respected by his peers his integrity unquestioned… he was the perfect UFO truth finder.
Hardened, non nonsense pilots didn’t mind hoisting a few with Donald at the officers’ quarters. He knew people and he was upfront about his interest in the “Saucers”. Inevitably, the pilots gave him what they would have never given to anyone else… the real story, and of course that made Keyhoe a liability and dangerous.

If you don’t know about Major Donald Keyhoe he was the first real UFO researcher. He created NICAP. In the early days of “Flying Saucer” investigations those pursuing an answer to these objects did not know the debunkers were not going to play fair. Keyhoe understood the workings of the Air force and why they did what they did with the UFO phenomenon… but he trusted scientists and felt debunking was a service. He expected Donald Menzel (Astronomer) and other scientists to formulate their explanations based upon all of the data. This, of course, did not happen. On Menzel’s investigation of three pilot encounters, Keyhoe was shocked by his explanations. It seems Menzel had simple prosaic answers to all of them including the famous “UFO Mantel Jet crash” . Keyhoe couldn’t understand how Mensel came to these conclusions. “Hadn’t he seen the investigation reports by Bluebook”. Keyhoe had mentioned earlier in his book, “Flying Saucers From Outer Space” how he believed Menzel was sincerely searching for answers. But get this: Keyhoe checked with Project Bluebook and found Menzel hadn’t read any of the three reports on these pilots sightings because he hadn’t requested them.
Also, as a footnote to history, Project Bluebook in a letter to Keyhoe had rejected Menzels explanations on these three pilot reports. Major Keyhoe, like Dr. McDonald and his trust of Phillip Klass, had no idea they were dealing with, government lackeys posing as investigators.

Here are some stunning reports from the 1950s:

One large disk 56 miles above the earth tracked at 18,000 miles per hour.

Two disks observed tracking a high altitude rocket. After circling a test rocket they climbed and sped away. (We know there is substantial proof this happened again at least once but in that instance the missile was shot down by the UFO).

“Little 3 ft. space man” captured after a disk crashed.
First written about in “Talk of The Times,” an Air Force bulletin with photographs of the little being, the bulletin caption read:
“Hit by flak rockets, the object exploded in a shower of fireworks… About 20 silvery capsules fell to the ground. One broke and the first “Mars” man was captured.” FBI agent Mckennerich from Phoenix who was an eyewitness to the capture of the being is quoted: ‘I was astounded by the importance of this great moment. For the first time I was seeing a being from another world.’ The being was three feet his body covered with an aluminum material.”

1948 two airline pilot spot a cigar shaped UFO with lighted windows. They swerve and the objects swerves to avoid a collision. The object than climbs and speeds away. Explanation meteors, “It will have to be left to the psychologist to decide if a person can mistake the heat waves of a meteor for windows”

Mysterious device buzzes Hamilton Field three times trailing blue green smoke; speed: 1000-1500 miles an hour.

Scientists tracking cosmic rays watches UFO circle their plane and speed away. When another approaches it is caught on a theodolite telescope. (“scientists never see UFOs?”)

Secretary of The Navy’s plane “buzzed by saucer.” A second plane nearby is also buzzed by the same object.

There were 600 hundred reported sightings of UFOs by pilots over that period. This does not include radar operators, plane crews and scientists on the ground. The government reported that only 20 percent of all of the sightings could be attributed to any balloons, including the Sky Hook balloon. Practically every military base, missile base and atomic facility reported multiple sightings There is no doubt that the military wanted the public to swallow these amazing detailed craft sightings, as nothing more than birds, temperature inversions, sundogs, Venus and ground lights.
The truth is the military took “Flying Saucers” quite seriously. Many felt these objects were controlled and were surveying our weapons capability.

Major Keyhoe was a prime reason why the government investigated UFOs.

Although Project Bluebook white washed some reports, their wealth of research information has proven to reinforce the idea that UFOs have not been explained. Although NICAP was gutted from the inside by alleged operatives and Keyhoe eventually fired, no man did more to gain respect for the subject of “flying saucers”. Keyhoe also proves that it was not the UFO researchers who started out paranoid of the Debunkers. The distrust of them evolved because of the repeated sloppy research on the UFO reports. done. NICAP cataloged countless eyewitness UFO reports that contained a wealth of information.

Today we find these craft are still in our skies doing things not even our scientists dreamed of. We find now people think of UFOs as a trendy experience that deserves attention when they show up. Major Keyhoe rightly believed that investigating these crafts, and what they possibly represented, was one of most important Jobs a person could do. He gave his life to this belief. Although you hardly hear him mentioned now, he was, and always will be, a champion investigator on the front lines of the UFO mystery.
NICAP Web Site:

DVD Clip UFO Hunters “UFO Surveillance” :Are “Saucers” still buzzing our technology centers?

Joseph Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog

Friday, July 3, 2009

Betty & Barney Hill: Without The Abduction

[Most of the Information quoted below is taken from the great book “Captured” By Friedman and Marden(Betty Hills niece]

Many focus on the abduction part of the Betty and Barney Hills case. Their story was, without doubt, the most famous of all abduction reports. The problem with focusing on their abduction is sometimes the initial sighting is glossed over. Betty and Barney not only witnessed a UFO at very close range, but also Barney witnessed entities on board the craft while fully awake. The evolution of this case and Bluebook initial explanations are prime examples of how the government and debunkers can cherry pick the testimony of a UFO witness to make it fits a conventional explanation,
I thought I had heard everything about the Hills’ case but I hadn’t and I wonder how well the reader would do on the Hills’ initial sighting facts. For instance, how many of you knew that the craft Betty and Barney witnessed had retractable wings? Interestingly, when they were expanded they had a red light on each wing; sound familiar? How many of you know that, while he was fully awake, Barney saw humanoids on the craft and that one smiled at him. This was completely apart from the hypnotic regression memories. Barney had taken out his binoculars to view the object better when he watched a group of beings watching him back. None of them showed emotion, except one, who smiled at Barney as if it knew he could see his face.
How many of us knew the Bluebook initial written report’s explanation, “temperature inversion,” was discarded and investigators penciled in two other explanations on the report; settling on “not enough information”.

Betty and Barney arrived home and reported the sighting the next day. They called Peace Air force base to report it. In their initial phone conversation with the base Barney left out the humanoid part because he thought they would think he was a crackpot. But later, when a Major Henderson returned the call, Barney told him more details. It seems the Major, by his reaction, wasn’t surprised.

Their sighting that night could have been reported yesterday; it began so typically. What first brought their attention to the sky as they drove alone on a New Hampshire road was a very bright object at a 45 degree angle, the shape of the light was “different” (later they realized it was because it was oblong in shape) and the “luminosity was very intense compared to the surrounding stars”. They stopped the car and watched it change direction abruptly, it hovered, it’s movement erratic at times. The Object, when first sighted, was the size of a nickel at arms length, but ended up being the size of a pie plate. It flew down toward them in what has been described as steps. There was no sound.

The first explanation Project Bluebook (PB) put forth was an advertising blimp. It was a way to at least explain the intensity of the light. But that proved to be ridiculous and unfounded. One of the other theories touted by debunkers was the planet Jupiter which I think should have been laughed off the explanation list. When everything else fails there is always the favorite to tout out, “temperature inversion.” These explanations are really put out there for the lame and those that need to believe it’s not real. I can’t believe the Air Force and Project Bluebook people would personally swallow that claptrap.

If it is true Project Bluebook actually believed their explanations then they made the same mistake as many UFO researchers and debunkers make, They filtered out any of the witness testimony that completely cancelled out their explanation, . If these debunkers accepted only that part of a testimony that can be explained, why then accept any of the testimony.
Think about what was done in this case, and what is done today, the testimony of witnesses at their closest range to the object is discounted. Strange detailed encounters lead most people to concentrate on what they see even more and to try to explain it in a prosaic manor. “Barney still believed what he was seeing had a rational explanation.”
The UFO came so close that Barney could see the humanoids in the windows of the craft without binoculars, describing them as an “inch long at arms length”; Jupiter?

DVD: Betty & Barney Hill I title this clip “The Terror Of Abduction.” Listen to Barney’s voice and you will know he experienced something tangible.

Barney Hill was far removed from UFOs as a person can be. He was postal worker and a civil rights activist, and let me tell you in the 1960 that was dangerous. A black man married to a white woman could get you beat up or even killed. But if it is true that ET’s read a person mind, and pick those they want far in advance, then the Hills were a good example of the best the human race can offer. Those who put there lives on the line for something larger than themselves.

Joseph Capp

UFO Media Matters

Non-Commercial Blog