Tuesday, June 29, 2010

James Carrion “The Center For UFO Truth”?

Proof Of UFO?s Take a look at the clips:UFOMM

I just read James Carrion's (MUFON's ex- "International Director") statement of purpose on his blog site, "Center for UFO Truth". If his opening statement is any indication of what UFO truth he is referring to we're in for a one sided ride. He claims:

"Unfortunately, the field of Ufology has nothing to show for more than 60 years of investigation and research. By not adhering to professional evidentiary standards, Ufology will neither join the halls of academia nor will it discover what truly lies behind the subject of UFOs."


However, let's take a look at his statements very carefully. Basically he is saying if only our UFO researchers had dotted their "I"s and crossed their "t"s the UFO subject would have been thought worthy of study by the big scientific guns. The truth is Carl Sagan's had a catch 22 demand that UFO researchers produce not just evidence, but "extraordinary evidence". For UFO researches to produce extraordinary UFO evidence it would take extraordinary money and since UFO researchers have never had that money you have a perfect catch 22 in the UFO world.

The lives of Dr. Hynek and a braver James comes to mind when anyone insuates mainstreme attitude is all the UFO researchers fault. The other James was Dr. James McDonald, who was destroyed for using unchallengeable science to prove the debunkers science was sloppy. He never realize how much danger his career was in. He foolishly believed good scientists would always champion good science. He was so well respected other respected by his meticulous work the other scientist started agreeing with his science debunking the debunkers.. His destruction was so obviously orchestrated that it sent "coward waves" through the entire scientific community. He committed suicide because of the loss of his academic career. Remember, this was in the very beginning of UFO research and done by a mainstream scientist. Hynek had a career in the mainstream never had a grant or an academic career after changing his opinion on UFOs. Hynek didn't care the science was there he knew from the evidence they were real. Hynek also started Ted Phillips on his journey which also produced repeatable evidence at UFO landing sites. Hyneck himself must have had some pretty convincing evidence as he was ask to present it at the United Nations meeting on UFOs. http://www.aolnews.com/weird-news/article/lee-speigel-on-his-1978-attempt-to-convince-the-united-nations-to-study-ufos/19530404

Remember Carrion is suggesting this was all sloppy research.

James' "Truth Train" has started off on the wrong track regarding scientists. This attitude by scientific is not new it is an attitude practice on all outside the box phenomenon that take place, take for example research into psychic phenomenon.

A classic example of how the scientific community deals with a very good scientist who does cross his "I" and his "t"s is reflected by Bob Jahn a man with the right credentials who headed for years the "Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research " Bob was an emeritus Professor of Aerospace Sciences and Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, who has taught and published extensively in advanced space propulsion systems, plasma dynamics, fluid mechanics, quantum mechanics, and engineering anomalies. But did it matter?


This playing field is treated the same as UFOs Even with a top respectable scientist and his team presenting solid repeatable evidence. the same old repeatable BS happens. There was not even a hint of other scientists being interested? I. Do you really think these actions by his comrads was because of his bad science? Jahn finally gave up trying to get his colleagues' attention, frustrated he claimed " we keep getting the same answers, but no one is listening". THESE SCIENTISTS REACTED AS THEY ALWAYS HAVE REACTED -ACCEPT THE SLOPPY REBUTTLES, AND GO ON WITH PURSUING SAFE FUNDING GRANTS.

The governments on both sides of the cold war finally took action themselves on some of their enigmas. I guess they didn't believe the scientists claims;"there is nothing to it". The only reason they didn't end up with psychic weapons was because couldn't control it. The government also was not as nonchalant as they claim over the UFO question. If UFOs were just sloppy science why did they feel a need to take them out?

No James, you are dead wrong, the fault of today's UFO state of affairs belongs at the seat of our great but fragile minds the scientists. Most of the extreme beliefs are here because there is a vacuum in science verses experience on these topics. So where there is a vacuum something will fill it. When any person realizes that the impossible just happened, against all the science that they've known to be true in science it may lead them doubtful on all of reality.

All around the world today people are realizing that their first hand UFO or paranormal experience is not unique. They read and watch on You Tube objects or experiences just like their own. Many more friends and relatives believe them. We also have the majority who don't report at all but know deep down something is wrong with the way science sees this world or others. I hope that is changing.

Some scientist see the You Tube too. Not all scientists are cowards. Recently, the National Geographic Channel had a program on recent investigations into the strange lights that are witnessed around the world at different locations. The once showcased here are the" Brown Mountain Lights. and the Hassdalen lights. By the way "Hassdalen Project", the longest investigation on these type lights by scientists in the entire world. So when James claims there has been no reaction to UFO investigations in the past is not true. One of the most interesting part of this clip is the UFO does something impossible and reputable scientist admitted it.


My problem with the good science presented in these clips is an historic one. It is that there is never any scientific follow-up investigations which could lead to more findings. The mystical and UFOs are out there if science won't do the job don't blame some charlatans for filling the vacuum.

Note: James also hinted that he found a great deal of problems in MUFON and elsewhere in a previous post. This will be probably be a part the "Center For UFO Truth" future articles. James took the job of edited the all the MUFON data they had on reports and investigations for a database. He claimed ,after he resigned, that corruption and all types of misbehaviors were perpetrated by certain researchers inside MUFON. I am looking forward to what he has, but I don't expect a balanced presentation.

Joseph Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog

National Geographic finds UFOs:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Was Roswell A Plant?

Could the famous Roswell crash be a modern day Ancient Astronaut intervention?

Could alien beings have decided after the Second World War to leak some of their "primitive technology" to the United States to help us in the future? Many inside the UFO community believe in the Ancient Astronaut theory. That theory states that ETs were involve with ancient empires by helping them with their technology. They seemed to have presented themselves as sons of the Gods to the natives. Has this stopped? I fervently believe that in no way did the ETs give an anti-gravity machine to any ancient civilization. We find some claims by the ancients but a simpler answer is they were sowing their own brand of disinformation (scare the hell out of your enemies). I do believe, at that time, ETs helped these empires using technology, disguised as magic, and these ETs were in total control of these gadgets at all times. How could they do this today in our world and who would they pick? Would they present themselves as gods to a now technologically based society? I doubt it.

Why was the ship at Roswell left by the ETs to be discovered? Considering all the length these entities go to so their true natures won't be discovered, why didn't they know they had crashed? It seems obvious to me the recovered technology reported reflects a technology from our near future, not a distant one. Why were their bodies left to rot? Are you trying to tell me there are no intercommunications between these spacecraft?

There is a great deal of unanswered questions around these crashes. I will deal with the Roswell case because that is the one I believe really happened. Something doesn't make sense. We know that whoever or whatever is behind the UFO sightings does not want us to capture their craft. Anytime our planes tried to bring them down it was disastrous.

So here comes the Roswell crash, a smorgasbord of technology and alien bodies given to us on a silver platter to figure out. Yet we haven't had a hint of alien intrusion to try and stop these supposedly disastrous blunders. We all know one technology that was retrieved at the Roswell site: pieces of the wreckage. The memory metal and I beams are not in dispute. What do you think about those pieces? Were they a thousand years in our future technological development, a hundred, fifty? At this time I believe we will have that technology in less than fifty years. It certainly doesn't reflect the technology being witnessed and reported now, or even at that time.

Some may counter, "Well, Joe, don't you remember there were dead aliens and a live one?" What did they do kill some of their own? First we have to ask, was there a live alien at all? From the history of Roswell this story has two sides. One side claims the ETs they saw were all dead. The other side; one was alive. If they were all dead. Remember we really don't know how they died could the bodies have been a plant. Even if there was a ET that was alive many humans volunteer for very important possible death missions and this would certainly have been one. We have to also consider the big question- do they really die?

Why America you might ask? If you believe ETs are spiritual and compassionate or even just practical then America was the country. The ETs monitored the war and knew we had developed the Atomic bomb. The stakes had changed and if they had bases they were in danger. The United States was a country whose population represented almost all of the diverse cultures in our world. In those times America didn't want war .We were horrified, as a nation, at the horrors the Germans had inflected on the Jews and other minorities. We were starting to grow up as a nation. We had a well informed citizenry to mould the country's future. America was the shining star of freedom for the future. In the past it seemed ETs pick Empires on the brink of greatness America may have been another example of this.

Recently Tony Bragilia presented yet another example of a witness to the crash of a spaceship in Roswell. I would say a very high percentage of UFO skeptical researchers and people in the UFO community have come to the conclusion that the explanation of what happened at Roswell can only be defined now as an ET Spaceship.

Kevin Randle now admits the most probable explanation for Roswell is a crashed ET craft. Randle, in his new book, also gave credit to Don Schmitt's continuing research even though they had a parting of the ways. I feel that is a good deed and helps in getting at the whole truth. I wrote an article on Schmitt and Kevin's parting of the ways here:

Below are the clips from the Lieutenant Colonel
Philip J. Corso interview, but here I want to chide S. Friedman on his ideas about Corso. First he was head of the foreign technology unit, for Stanton to compare his clearance and they way it was handled with Corso's and his insider clearence is ridiculous. Second, the idea that this man would ruin his credibility, in the majority of the public's eye for a book sale should be unthinkable considering what he was involved in trying to bring our boys home. Isn't it more likely that his book "The Day After Roswell" was half truths used to leak some information to the public, as a safety net for his family, along with disinformation aimed toward our enemies? Anyone with his knowledge and expertise would know easily how to do that. I feel Stanton has dismissed Corso to easily without truly understanding the implications for anyone who would leak verifiable smoking gun information on a secret "higher than the H-Bomb"; Roswell. Many agree within the UFO community that in the 1990s some in the government wanted the truth out. How could you do that without being in real trouble? Maybe Corso found a way.

So if the UFO community can stop arguing over whether the Roswell crash was an ET, then we can start to discuss how a civilization as advanced as what we are continuing to witnesses could have ships that crash at all.

Joseph Capp
UFO Media Matters